Civic Learning Week National Forum 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 | George Washington University and National Archives, Washington D.C.

2024 and Beyond: Civic Learning as a Unifying Force

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U.S. Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Amy Coney Barrett will join the Civic Learning Week National Forum on March 12, 2024, livestreamed from Washington, D.C. Showcasing the Justices’ shared commitment to high-quality civic education, the featured conversation will be moderated by Eric Liu, co-founder and CEO of Citizen University, and address student questions about the judicial system and civic engagement, as well as the Justices’ legal career paths. The discussion will highlight the civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions gained through civic education, and why civics is essential to sustaining and strengthening constitutional democracy in the United States.

The forum will also include panel discussions and research presentations on Information Literacy, Bridging the Divide, and Elections as a Teachable Moment, concluding with a Fireside Chat between Archivist of the United States Colleen Shogan and Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona (tentative). View full schedule and ticketing options.

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