Storytelling for Social Change: Creating Space for Unheard Voices

Storytelling is a valuable tool for advancing social change, and an understanding of systemic oppression is incomplete without deep listening and learning from people who have experienced injustice firsthand. This webinar will offer participants an introduction to Voice of Witness (VOW), our oral history methodology, and the use of storytelling to amplify the voices of communities impacted by injustice.

We will explore the power of personal narrative as a format and discuss key elements of the oral history process, including best practices in ethical interviewing and project creation. The webinar will feature VOW staff and Katrina M. Powell, editor of the upcoming book Beginning Again: Stories of Movement and Migration in Appalachia.

This free event is for anyone interested in using first-person narratives to build community and advance justice.

May 21, 2024 at 2pm (Pacific), virtual 

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