STF Special Event: Meet & Greet Richard Pearshouse

When: Wednesday, March 6, 4:30-5:15pm PT
Where: RSVP Today for address/Zoom link

STFers are transitioning their schools to 100% renewable energy and working with educators to embed climate education across curricula as part of the Human Rights and the Climate Crisis Action Plan. To learn more about what Human Rights Watch is doing to combat the global climate crisis, join us for a special meet and greet conversation with HRW’s Director of Environment and Human Rights, Richard Pearshouse.

Richard has led innovative and impactful work protecting communities at risk in resource-driven conflicts and strengthening legal protections for the environment during armed conflicts. His work with HRW has focused on threats against environmental defenders and their communities, and environmental health issues caused by exposure to toxic substances.

Learn more:
Celebrate 75 Years of Human Rights Toolkit

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